Monday, August 18, 2014

The world is your classroom

My husband is in Cuba for the year so we decided to take her out of school so we can travel abroad! At first, this concept was stressful and the idea of homeschooling did not appeal to me at all. The more I researched curriculum, portfolios and testing, the less I wanted to go this route. Then I stumbled upon a very organic type of learning. This immediately caught my eye, the term is called unschooling and it is everything I could ever ask for.
Unschooling is an educational method and philosophy that rejects compulsory school as a primary means for learning. Unschoolers learn through their natural life experiences including play, household responsibilities, personal interests and curiosity, internships and work experience, travel, books, elective classes, family, mentors, and social interaction. Unschooling encourages exploration of activities initiated by the children themselves, believing that the more personal learning is, the more meaningful, well-understood and therefore useful it is to the child. While courses may occasionally be taken, unschooling questions the usefulness of standard curricula, conventional grading methods, and other features of traditional schooling in maximizing the education of each unique child (Source: Wikepedia)

This gives the parents so much freedom to mold their child's education.  Parents may choose whatever curriculum they desire or no curriculum at all. We are about 30 days deep into this adventure and have purchased a first grade math book to do every now and then. Other then that I have purchased composition books, glue and pencils to add to our already full craft closet. We journal daily and my throat is so sore some days from reading aloud. Every morning is an adventure and each day brings so much joy.

Hopefully I am able to update our journey on this blog!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014



[tran-zish-uhn, -sish-]    
1. movement, passage, or change from one position, state, stage, subject, concept, etc., to another; change
As time goes on we all sort of evolve without realizing it. Sometimes it is a slow process and other times it just happens without even recognizing it. For me, I can look back and wonder how my body ever functioned off red bulls and Kit-Kats. what my body needed to sustain energy and thrive was no concern of mine. These days, more than ever, information is easer to access. We have limitless data, reviews, and material at our fingertips all day long. This technology is a love hate relationship for me. I love having a connection to any questions I might have, but I do feel there needs to be a balance in everything. ( more on that later) Just wanted to basically introduce my lifestyle and what I have learned during my Transition. I couldn't decide what to call this blog. There are many words for what I try to achieve in my life. I love the terms crunchy, granola, all natural, plant-based, holistic, hippie, boho, and wild and free, but it didn't take me long to realize I am not perfect and in a world where our most natural instincts on how to take care of ourselves is frowned upon and labels are used in a derogatory fashion I wanted to make sure that I wasn't setting a standard to high for myself. We all fail and can get caught up in our own lives and forget our health and fitness. For this reason I am sticking with "label-less" which will be my best attempt at the most natural way I believe our bodies were born to function and thrive.
I hope to touch base on all the product, food and tips that have helped me so far in a more natural lifestyle. If I can be of any help to just one person then this blog will make sense to me. putting my style in this type of format for you is a perk for me as well. Many times people do not like to be told information or opinions of others but writing it all down in a blog means that I can give this information to whoever searches for it or wants to know about it. I get excited about things I learn and want to share it but not everyone wants to hear about it.
One phrase I hear myself saying a lot is, "how did God intend our bodies to function".  Invest in your health and you invest in a happier life.